Admissions to Our School

Nursery Class - Admission Information
We have Nursery places available if your child is 3. Please visit our Nursery page for more information.
Please contact the school office for further details or download and return the Admission Form below to school.
A member of the Nursery Team will get in touch with you once your form has been received.
Thank You

Admissions to the school are controlled by Wakefield Local Education Authority (the Education Committee of the District Council). Full details of the Authority’s policy on admissions are given in the “Guide for Parents”. This is available in all schools and at the Education Department. We admit children to full time education in the September in the academic year in which they are five. If the number of preferences received for school does not exceed the admission limit, all preferences will be met. All applications received will be considered in the following order:
  1. All first preferences received by the closing date;
  2. All second preferences received by the closing date;
  3. All late preferences received will be considered after the above.
However, if there are more applications for admission to a school than there are places available, preference will be given to children in the following order:
  1. Children in Public Care (see note 6);
  2. Children who live in the school’s catchment area who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission (see note 4);
  3. Other children who live in the school’s catchment area (see note 2)
  4. Children who live in that part of the school’s catchment area which is designated as an option area (see note 3).
  5. Children who have brothers or sisters in attendance at the school (see note 4);
  6. Other children, with priority being given to those living nearest to the school.

Children with a Statement of Special Needs are dealt with under a different mechanism. Any child with a school named on their statement will automatically gain a place at the school named in the statement via the statementing process. Any child with a statement of special educational needs who is admitted to a mainstream community/voluntary controlled school will be counted against the school's admission number. In all categories, when decisions have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, children living nearest to the school, measured as the crow flies, have priority. Where a family of twins or triplets request admission and there is only one school place available, it will be left to the family to decide whether or not they wish to take up the place for one of their children and appeal for the second and/or third child in the same year group, or to decline the place. Where a child resides with more than one parent/carer, at different addresses, we will use the preference expressed by the parent/carer at the address where the child lives the majority of the time during the school week, as the main place of residence. Children will be placed in the appropriate category depending upon their circumstances at the proposed date of admission. In the event of any category being over-subscribed, places will be offered in the order of priority detailed above. For children with a statement of educational need, certain other conditions have also to be satisfied. Further information can be obtained from SEN Group or Parent Partnership.
All applications should be made on an Admission Preference form from the Education Department’s Admissions Team (see below). Late preference forms will be dealt with only after those returned by the correct date and are therefore less likely to be successful in obtaining a place, than preferences returned on time. Dates are stated on the preference forms. If your child is already in full-time education You should contact your child’s existing school who will be able to offer advice. You must then contact the Education Department’s Team (see below). Transfers between schools will normally only take place at the beginning of a school term, and you should not remove your child from their current school until then. If your child has a statement of special needs. Please see “Guide for Parents”. If your child attends the early years setting in a school he or she will not automatically be entitled to a place in that school for full time education at the age of 5. FURTHER INFORMATION Full details of the admissions arrangements for schools in Wakefield Metropolitan District are given in the “Guide for Parents”. This is produced by Wakefield Local Education Authority and is available in all schools and at the Education Department. The Admissions Team at the Education Department are happy to advise parents on all aspects of admissions to the Authority’s schools. 

Please write to:- The Education Department Admissions Team County Hall Wakefield WF1 2QL
The telephone number is Wakefield (01924) 305616/17/19/20/43.
Explanatory Notes
Admission Numbers - Each school has an Admission Number (AN). This is the number of children who can be admitted in the school year.
Catchment areas - The LEA thinks it is important that schools should serve their local communities and so each one has its own catchment area. However, parents are required to express a preference, stating their choice of school, even if this is not the catchment area school. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that there will be a place for every child in their catchment area school, it cannot be guaranteed that this will always be the case. If you are in any doubt about the catchment area school for the area in which you live, please contact you local school or the Admissions Team at County Hall (see next sheet for address and telephone numbers).
Option areas - The home address of some parents may fall into an area which forms part of the catchment area of two schools. Parents will be informed if they live in such a designated ‘option area’ and will be asked to indicate their preferred school.
Brothers and sisters - This category includes children with brothers or sisters in attendance at the same school or a school on the same site, on the date of admission.
Families living outside the district boundary -  Children from families living outside the district boundary will be considered alongside those who live within the Wakefield Metropolitan District. Children in Care This refers to children who are: Subject to a care order made by the courts under section 31 of the Children Act 1989—for the courts to grant a care order they have to be satisfied that a child is suffering or would suffer ‘significant harm’ without one; and children who are accommodated by the Local Authority on a voluntary basis under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989.
At Newton Hill Community School our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 45.