Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch up Premium

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-up Premium
Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19).  Therefore, the government has allocated additional funding to schools.

Funding allocation

Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11.



How will the grant be spent?

At Newton Hill Community school the grant will be spent on specific activities to support our pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months through small group and one-to-one tuition.  A proportion of the funding will also be spent on additional resources to support our children.



How will the effect of the funding be assessed?

At Newton Hill Community School we will be tracking the progress of all our children to ensure that our interventions and additional teaching sessions are having an impact on educational attainment, through teacher assessments and standardised tests. 



Summary information

Total number of pupils:


Amount of catch-up premium received per pupil:


Total catch-up premium budget:

Approx: £18,320