Design Technology
Design & Technology at Newton Hill Community School provides an opportunity for children to develop their creativity and imagination through practical activities based around topics. This allows children to learn important life skills as well as the safe use of tools.
Each term children will learn about one of the following areas of DT;
Mechanisms (Wheels, axles, pivots, levers & Linkages)
Digital (Key Stage 2)
Electrical (Key Stage 2)
In Key Stage 1 and 2, one Design & Technology project is taught each term focusing on the research and designing stage, making a quality product and evaluating the product.
Across Nursery and Reception classes, Design & Technology is covered within provision and if needed, to be taught as a focus activity for a specific skill.
As a community school, we often like to invite parents in to join us for workshops, for example learning about Egyptian Collars and constructing castles.
Newton Hill provides a great food technology room for children to learn about healthy eating and to develop culinary skills.
Our school meal providers CH&Co have worked with us to support children with a cooking session and we have regular visits from Morrisons who have been working closely with children in Reception.
- D&T KS1 Progression documents.pdf
- D&T Year 3 Progression documents.pdf
- D&T Year 4 Progression documents.pdf
- D&T Year 5 Progression documents.pdf
- D&T Year 6 Progression documents.pdf