
Maths Leader - Mrs Darnton

Maths at Newton Hill Community School 

At Newton Hill Community School, we use the White Rose scheme of learning in our maths lessons. This includes a long-term plan for each year group, giving clear guidance as to the sequencing of lessons for the whole academic year. For each year group, the scheme of leaning includes an overview of maths, which is further broken down into blocks of learning, detailing what each child should be learning at each point in the year. Lessons are supplemented with other resources, depending on the needs of the children.

When children are in split year classes, they will follow the National Curriculum for their specific year group. Teachers will carefully plan lessons and activities for learning to make sure that every child is accessing high-quality teaching and learning during every maths lesson. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, lots of time is spent building strong number skills which they continue to develop as they progress through Key Stage 2.

We are proud of our children at Newton Hill Community School, who regularly achieve higher than the national and local standard in their end of Key Stage 1 and end of Key Stage 2 assessments.


Calculation Policy

At Newton Hill Community School, we follow our whole school Calculation Policy to ensure consistency when teaching our children. There is a Calculation Policy for addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division. This clearly sets out a child’s journey when learning the different mathematical processes using the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach. Each step ensures that it builds upon what is previously taught, making sure that children become secure with written methods.

Children are taught how to answer questions using efficient calculation methods quickly and fluently. We follow a Mastery Approach, ensuring that all children have access to problem-solving and reasoning questions in their mathematics lessons. These opportunities develop and become more complex as children progress through school; however, we always strive for high-quality answers that are rich with mathematical vocabulary. The documents below will show you the methods used at Newton Hill Community School.

Fast Math Facts

Each half term, children in every year group are set a Fast Math Facts challenge. This involved being given mathematical facts that they should be able to recall instantly and fluently. The children are set a baseline challenge at the beginning of the half term and are assessed at the end of the half term. By learning these facts, children have greater confidence in their maths lessons, as the challenges have been planned to match their learning during the half term.

Teaching for Mastery

At Newton Hill Community School, we work with our local Maths Hub as part of an ‘Embedding’ workgroup. This means that we are three years into our Teaching for Mastery journey, working with local schools and the Maths Hub to ensure all staff receive high-quality CPD and that our children have access to a well-planned, challenging maths curriculum.

Teaching for Mastery follows 5 big ideas.

Times Tables

What times table should my child be learning?

The information below shows the National Curriculum expectations for each year group.

Year 1

 Count in multiplies of 2, 5 and 10.

Year 2

 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Year 3

 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

Year 4

 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12.

Year 5

 Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12.

Year 6

 Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12.


Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)

Each child has a log in to ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (please contact your child’s teacher if you need these details). The children can create their own rock name, avatar and compete in different battles, all whilst practising their multiplication and division skills.


The children can log in to Numbots using the same log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’. Here, they can progress through the different levels by answering addition and subtraction questions.

What useful websites can my child use to help them learn their times tables?

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize has simple-to-follow lessons and videos for children aged 4-14. Here they can recap units of work that they have completed in school and also play interactive games at home.

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl have a wealth of information regarding maths on their website. The first link explains what maths looks like in each year group.

Here they have a number of articles about each unit of maths work. Within each article, it explains what your child will learn about in each year group and also how you can help to support them at home.

White Rose Maths

As a school, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. Here, you will find helpful documents as to how you can support your child at home with their maths skills. There are also workbooks that you can download and work through with your child if you wish.

Topmarks Daily 10

Here children can test their arithmetic skills. They can choose which area of maths they would like to answer questions on and set the level of difficulty. The children can then check their answers at the end of the 10 questions.

Hit the Button

This is an interactive maths game that focuses on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. The games are against the clock and help to develop mental maths skills.