Our School Safeguarding Officers

Newton Hill Community School

Safeguarding (DSL)


If you have any concerns about health, safety or well-being of any child or young person in this school your Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:


Mrs  Wheatley - Lead DSL/Headteacher  

Mrs Whelerton - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Luck - Deputy DSL/ Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Myton - Newts Manager/DSL

Miss Land - Newts Deputy Manager/DSL       

Mrs Dundas - Learning Mentor/DSL    


Mrs Wheatley and Mrs Whelerton a are trained in Safer Recruitment. 


The Safeguarding Governor is Miss English.

The Co-Chair of Governors are Mrs Doughty and Mrs Glover.


The safeguarding team may be contacted through the school office on 01924 303680 or at admin@newton-hill.org.uk