Our School Safeguarding Officers

Newton Hill Community School

Safeguarding (DSL)


If you have any concerns about health, safety or well-being of any child or young person in this school your Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:


Mrs  Wheatley - Lead DSL/Headteacher  

Mrs Whelerton - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Luck - Deputy DSL/ Assistant Headteacher

Mr Paine - Deputy DSL/Senior Teacher

Mrs Myton - Newts Manager/DSL

Miss Land - Newts Deputy Manager/DSL       

Mrs Dundas - Learning Mentor/DSL    

Mrs Bashforth - School Business Manager


Mrs Wheatley, Mrs Whelerton and Mrs Bashforth are trained in Safer Recruitment. 


The Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Hopwood.

The Chair of Governors is Mrs Hopwood.


Mrs Hopwood may be contacted through the school office on 01924 303680 or at admin@newton-hill.org.uk